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When purchasing in a body corporate (normally an apartment, or a townhouse), clients often will ask ‘what am I actually responsible for’ in terms of maintenance for the property?

In Queensland, this is determined by what scheme the body corporate has been registered as, being either:

  1. Building Format Plan
  2. Standard Format Plan

Schemes registered under a Building Format Plan are often multi-level buildings, such as apartment blocks. Schemes under a Standard Format Plan are typically low-rise developments, such as townhouse complexes.


Set out below is a summary of who is generally responsible for various maintenance costs depending on your plan:

Building Format Plan
Standard Format Plan

Building foundations

Body corporate is responsible

Lot owner is responsible


Body corporate is responsible

Lot owner is responsible


If the roof is shared with another owner, the lots must share the costs


Lot owner is responsible, except for the most external portion (e.g. balustrades or railings) which is the responsibility of the body corporate

Lot owner is responsible

Windows / doors

Body corporate is responsible for windows / doors in a boundary wall between a lot and common property (including garage doors)


Lot owner is responsible for windows / doors leading onto a balcony that forms part of the lot

Lot owner is responsible


Body corporate is responsible for all painting, other than within the lot itself

Lot owner is responsible for all painting (including external), although the body corporate may notify a lot owner they must paint

Utility infrastructure (e.g. equipment, pipes and wiring)

Body corporate is responsible if the infrastructure is on common property, in a boundary structure or services more than 1 lot


Lot owner is responsible if the infrastructure is inside the boundary of the lot and only services that lot

Body corporate is responsible if the infrastructure is on common property, in a boundary structure or services more than 1 lot


Lot owner is responsible if the infrastructure is inside the boundary of the lot and only services that lot

Roads, gardens, lawns and facilities (e.g. pools or BBQs) on common property

Body corporate is responsible

Body corporate is responsible


Lot owner is responsible for lawns, gardens and driveways inside the boundary of the lot

Exclusive use areas

Lot owner is responsible unless the exclusive use by-law says otherwise

Lot owner is responsible unless the exclusive use by-law says otherwise

Interior of the lot, including all fixtures and fittings inside the lot

Lot owner is responsible

Lot owner is responsible


Body corporate is responsible for insuring the common property and body corporate assets and having public liability insurance for the common areas


Body corporate is also responsible for insuring the building structure.  Lot owners will share the cost of insurance (based on the interest schedule lot entitlements for the scheme)


Lot owner is responsible for insuring the interior of the lot (we recommend home contents insurance and public liability insurance for the interior of the lot)


Body corporate is responsible for insuring the common property and body corporate assets and having public liability insurance for the common areas


Body corporate is also responsible for insuring the building structure only where a building erected on a lot shares a common wall/s with a building erected on an adjoining lot.  Lot owners will share the cost of insurance (based on the respective replacement values of the building erected on each lot)


Lot owner is responsible for insuring the building structure where the building erected on the lot does not share any common walls (although the body corporate can obtain insurance if the body corporate committee resolves to establish a voluntary insurance scheme)


Lot owner is responsible for insuring the interior of the lot (we recommend home contents insurance and public liability insurance for the interior of the lot)


Should you have any queries about responsibilities under a body corporate, please do not hesitate to contact the MAP Lawyers team.

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