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‘Rights and interests reserved to the Crown by Deed…’? What?

You may have noticed that on all title searches in Queensland under Easements, Encumbrances and Interests the following is noted – ‘Rights and interests reserved to the Crown by Deed of Grant No …’ – what does this mean?

This notation of rights and interests reserved to the crown is on every title search in Queensland and means that the Crown reserves the right to resources that may lie within the property boundary (eg. oil, gas and minerals). The Deed of Grant is a throwback to historic plans. Essentially you can ignore this notation unless you are buying a property for mining related purposes, in which case you will want to see a separate mining permit in place.

The conveyancing lawyer team at the MAP Lawyers are ready to assist you with any and all of your conveyancing needs. If you have any questions call us on 1300 680 584 or contact us online.

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