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Good service does not have to cost the Earth

You may not be aware but at MAP Lawyers, we are committed to providing our services in a manner that does not just care for our clients – but also the planet.

We are a paperless office (to the extent we can be by law), with all records saved digitally for an infinite period of time in our secure online platform. All of our correspondence is conducted via phone and email, and automatically saved into our matter management software. Not only does this create efficiency, it also contributes to reducing our carbon foot print.

Environmental responsibility is something that we all need to take heed of and something that businesses should embrace – considering ways to provide services in an environmentally friendly method does not need to be at odds with business efficiency or commercial viability.

For more information about our new workplace sustainability practices and if it affects you, speak to our property solicitors today by calling 1300 680 584 or by filling in the online form.


Updated: 23/11/2021

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